What makes timeless design?
Avoid trends at all costs or incorporate some inexpensive trendier items with foundation pieces? Maintain a classic aesthetic, be it modern or traditional? Of course, this discussion is completely subjective. What is timeless to one is not neccessarily to another. I’d like to venture into my version, Timeless Design A Fashion Analogy. Please indulge me.
I am the lucky recipient of many vintage pieces from my mother’s wardrobe, including a killer dress circa early 1940s.
My mother’s health took a turn for the worse this year so, rather than waiting for senior prom, my daughter decided to wear it this year. She wants her grandma to see a photo of her in all this tulle and sequined loveliness.
1/ Good design is well-constructed and has good bones.
Never underestimate the longevity of a good couch or dovetail joints.

2/ Good design includes accessories but knows when to stop.
Editing is key. How many family photos, how many tchotchkes, how much is just enough?

3/ Good design has layers and texture.
Be it in the use of curtains over sheers or pillows on couches or the use of family heirlooms with modern accessories.

4/Timeless design incorporates humor, a little dash of whimsy to show you’re not all stiff and formal.
Maybe it’s the necklace on the Buddha head or the funny dog picture or whatever reflects your unique humor.

5/Timeless design must be shared with friends and family.
We feather our nests to escape the busy world but we must open our doors and hearts to our nearest and dearest. We need to envelop them and share the warmth of what we’ve created.

6/ And finally, good design comes in all colors, shapes and sizes.
We each hope our resulting design reflects our personality, lives, loves, travels, family and all that is important to us.

And that, my friends, is my first and last attempt at fashion commentary. Have a wonderful, design-filled weekend.
[…] lived in this apartment for forty years and it is an example of timeless design (as I blogged about here)… the foyer with all our crap on his chair and floor other side of foyer…view to kitchen […]