Decided to start my time in Asheville with a summer kick-off party, inviting a group of eclectic, wonderful women. Had to get things in order before the party. Back in the day, I actually considered myself a gardener with a vegetable garden and all when the kids were younger. These days I’m more of the “instant-gratification-type” gardener. Planted some window boxes with annuals back in May.
I cheated with some lovely palms from the big box store.
These days I’m not even trying to be Martha but instead, a generic Martha, with good intentions. I’d rather spend time in the kitchen cooking and enjoy quality time with friends instead of obsessing about every last decorating detail like the old days. In the end, friends don’t care. They’re just happy to break bread together, share a laugh and be in the company of good women.
In all, cleaning the deck and party set-up took less than an hour and I was a relaxed hostess who enjoyed her company.
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